About Me
I am a state registered, chartered physiotherapist, with a BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy. I am also a Pilates instructor, fully certified with the Australian Physiotherapy And Pilates Institute (APPI) with additional training in ante and post-natal Pilates.
After qualifying at Manchester University in 1994, I gained a broad experience within physiotherapy, working in the NHS and America. I worked in various areas, which included treating people post surgery, people with medical conditions, and musculoskeletal problems.
I started to specialise in 1999 in Neurology where I consolidated the Bobath principles encouraging normal movements and posture.
I then moved to the specialty of musculoskeletal out-patients. In this area encouraging correct posture and normalising ways of moving were again paramount and training in muscle balance reinforced this in my practice. Within the area of out-patients I introduced these principles to pre and post natal patients with pain, patients with rheumatological conditions, patients with shoulder pain and largely those with back pain. This then led me to working as a clinical specialist physiotherapist within the NHS with patients who have persistent/chronic pain, where I used low level Pilates to good effect.
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